This interview was conducted by The Dutch Guy READ THE FULL INTERVIEW HERE >> Nowadays, with global access to the internet, it can be hard for an artist to get noticed. There are so many websites, so many performers. But on the other hand, some artists use it as a tool and let the Internet work for them. Los Angeles based singer/songwriter Natalie Nicole Gilbert is one of those artists, who takes advantage of the Internet and let it work for her. From being highly active on social media to even crowd-funding her latest album, ‘Slip Of The Tongue‘, which she recently released. I sat down with her and we talked about the past and the present, how Internet can be a huge asset to an artist and she even let me do a little giveaway. With Natalie Nicole being in Los Angeles and me at my home studio in The Netherlands, yeah, the Internet sure does has its advantages!
Natalie Nicole Gilbert (NNG): I started singing publicly at the age of 4 or so and started writing songs around the same age, but didn’t sing my own music in concert until about 19. So, it’s been a while now. ;D TDG: Whats involved in your songwriting process? Where do you get your emotional stemming from? NNG: I have two main formulas, personally. In one I start with a motif, a recurring theme or thought that seems ultra relevant at the time; if I see a number of friends go through a similar sweeping change, or I’m facing three hurdles of the same variety at the same time, it often strikes me to summarize that moment or moments. This form often starts as a chorus I can’t get out of my head, or a poem that’s written very free form at first that’s then shortened or rearranged to fit to music. This is how ‘Breathing Hope‘, ‘Slip & Say‘, ‘Here Now‘ and ‘Dangers Surrounding‘ were written for the current album. |