A Simple Guideline For Independent Music Artists To Follow And Be Successful In A Competitive Industry

After 15+ years of promoting independent music artists, we have discovered a lot of tips and tricks to succeed. We have seen a lot of talented artists that are missing easy steps to find success in this new age of the music industry. There’s no doubt that the music business has changed, things constantly evolve and you need to evolve with it or you’ll be lost in the weeds. No matter how good your music is, if you’re not taking advantage of the opportunities at hand, nobody will hear it, and that’s a huge loss to the world. Good music deserves to be heard, this is why we wrote this book called “6 Pillars For Independent Music Artists To Succeed”.

What is an independent artist, and why it’s great!
We continually prop up independent artists because their music is authentic and real. Being independent means you’re independent of the major labels which simply buy your name and sell your product, all while stripping away your freedoms to create the music how you wish. They want you to create music that is most commercially accepted – in their opinion – to best monetize you as a product. For decades, this was easy for them to do, it was simply too difficult and costly to create and distribute music on your own. With the power of the internet, any artist can easily access all of the affordable tools to succeed you need. This has leveled the playing field, terrifying major labels and empowering independent artists worldwide.

How to grow your fan base and finally become heard.
Alright, so you’re an independent artist, you’re free to create the music you want, how you want. But with all of this freedom, and the success of indie artists worldwide, the industry opened up creating countless opportunities. Where do you start? Which opportunities are best for you? Our eBook “6 Pillars For Independent Music Artists To Succeed” lays out the 6 most important steps for an music artist to succeed. Most importantly, it’s free! It’s a quick, easy tutorial that will provide you with a check list you can follow. Depending on the stage of your career, you might already have some of these tasks completed, but what you don’t know can hurt you, and we’re here to help you.

“Our goal is for this to help guide independent musicians along their musical journey. To help look at your music project as a business and a brand. To know how to handle the professional business side of things. You’re independent from a label, so you can be your own boss and make your own decisions. You need to know how to run your music venture like a label would, but in your own way.”Quote From The Book

Why are we giving it away for free?
Because we love new music! We want to see you succeed. When you succeed and create new music, we succeed. We wouldn’t be here without your music to promote. Our social pages, playlists and magazine would be empty without you. This is our way to give back to the artists that have given us so much joy. It would simply take too much time to reach out to each artist and give tips and tricks one by one, so we finally took the time to do this in hopes we can reach as many artists in need, as quickly as possible. We hope it helps!

To read the full eBook “6 Pillars For Independent Music Artists To Succeed” simply continue with the form below. Soon as you enter your contact info, we will send you the link to our book. Plus, we have some other added free bonus offers for you along the away! Just don’t forget, please send us your new music whenever it comes out. 🙂

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